Any Event Pokémon • Any Year, Region, Language, Game Version



Missed any particular event Pokémon because they were not released in your region? Got past the event date? Didn't get the chance to get the code to redeem them? Worry no more, here is your chance to get everything that is event Pokémon.

What does this cover?
  • Event Pokémon, from old game versions or the recent ones, no matter the year!
  • Any event Pokémon of your choice, as long as legally available in the games.
  • Your choice of event type:  Original (Untouched), or Customized (Showdown Format or Manual Format, see Any Custom Pokemon listing for the difference of the two formats).
  • You can also choose for the Language of the origin of the Pokémon.

When planning to customize the event Pokemon, please read this comprehensive guide.